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July 22, 2022

Procida capital of culture 2022: program and events

It was the project titled “Procida, The culture is not an island” that convinced the jury to award Procida. The concept of the island, geographic but also philosophical, is explored during the various events scheduled in the program.

Capital of Culture

Procida is the smallest and least known island in the Gulf of Naples, but certainly the most authentic.

Despite this, and perhaps for this very reason, Procida has been named Italian Capital of Culture for the year 2022. With its sunsets and sunrises, overlooking the sea, its inlets and small harbors wrapped in fishermen’s nets of the place, this small island reminds us of the importance of slowness and the memory of one’s identity.

Procida is the fifth city to have won the title of Italian Capital of Culture. Other Italian Capitals of Culture were: Mantua for 2016, Pistoia for 2017, Palermo for 2018 and Parma for 2020-21, while Matera, in 2019, was elected European Capital of Culture.

With the project “The culture does not isolate“, Procida has beaten other cities like Ancona, Bare, l’Aquila, Cerveteri, Pieve di Soligo, Taranto, Trapani, Verbania and Volterra.

What does it mean to be the Italian Capital of Culture

But let’s take a step back and talk briefly about the project of the Italian Capital of Culture, born in 2014 thanks to the Minister of Cultural Heritage and Tourism Dario Franceschini.

The initiative had, among the objectives, that of “enhancing the cultural and landscape heritage” and “improving the services for tourists” of a specific territory, with the further aim of allowing smaller realities to recover ground compared to the rest of the country.

Why Procida is the capital of culture 2022?

It was the project titled “Procida, The culture is not an island” that convinced the jury to award Procida. Minister Franceschini expressed this motivation for the victory: “The patrimonial and landscape dimension of the place is extraordinary. The laboratory dimension which includes social aspects of technological diffusion is important for all the Tyrrhenian islands, but is relevant for all the realities of the small islands. The project could determine, thanks to the combination of these factors, an authentic discontinuity in the territory and represent a model for sustainable development processes based on the culture of the island and coastal realities of the country. The project is also used to transmit a poetic message, a vision of culture that goes beyond the reality of the island as a wish for all of us, to the country in the months that await us”.

On the day of the inauguration, the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella expressed himself as follows: “An island among the smaller ones in the Mediterranean that becomes a capital may appear singular to some. Instead it is a challenge of modernity and, at the same time, a return to the ancient, to its best traditions and to the values ​​it has passed on to us. We could say that it is a modern return to the long history of Italian culture”.

Being the capital of culture is therefore a real honor, but at the same time it represents a great challenge for a small island with such a deep-rooted identity. The choice of Procida led to a first and significant feeling of rebirth and redevelopment of the island.

For the Procida Capital of Culture 2022 project, the Campania Region has allocated 8,730,412.63 euros for:

  • Development of the cultural program
  • Actions aimed at requalification of the territory
  • Significant infrastructural works, including the restoration and redevelopment of Palazzo d’Avalos.

The Ministry of Culture has allocated 1 million euros for Procida Capitale.

The network of collaborations for Procida Capital of culture, extends nationally and internationally, including, among others, the Rai, the Enit – National Tourism Agency, the US Consulate General in Naples, the Austrian Culture Forum in Rome.

The project: “Culture does not isolate”

The concept of the island, geographic but also philosophical, is explored during the various events scheduled in the program, the key words of which are:

  • ties
  • co-creation
  • international dimension
  • inclusion
  • eco-sustainability.

The constant contact with one’s roots and the sharing of beauties and values ​​that transcend times and generations are the essence of “The culture does not isolate”, which aims to explore the island and its inhabitants through creativity and awareness of future prospects.

This is why its program is divided into five types of projects, which translate into 44 cultural projects, 350 artists involved from 45 different countries, 40 original works, 150 events and 8 regenerated cultural spaces.

Programme and events at Procida in 2022

These are the 5 guidelines of the Procida Capital of Culture 2022 program, with the related events currently scheduled for the period between August and December 2022.

Procida invents

Artistic events: exhibitions, cinema, performances.

Between these:

  • Voices in the wind: an oral story festival that combines performing arts, social interaction and travel stories. Created by Aste & Nodi.
  • The tending of the otherwise: a project of the Biennale des Jeunes Créateurs de l’Europe et de la Méditerranée, which through the cinema, works and performances of over twenty artists proposes through this widespread contemporary art exhibition to explore new imaginaries sustainable for our life. Widespread exhibition (workshop of mysteries, chapel of purity, Palazzo d’Avalos, chapel of the Madonna del Carmine, vineyard garden, historic center).

Until September 25th.

  • SprigionArti: a contemporary art exhibition in the cells of the former Procida prison.

Free admission, until December 31st.

Procida inspires

Projects that nominate the island as a source of inspiration, both as a real place and as an imaginary space.

  • Echoes of distances: 11 musicians from the most diverse islands, from Samoa to Sardinia, passing through Tahiti, and continental musicians investigate and let themselves be inspired by the insularity. The musical review will resume in August and will continue until the end of September, passing through the piers, beaches and viewpoints of the island.

Free entry.

  • is.land is a two-week residency program in Procida, from 12 to 26 September, dedicated to young Mediterranean artists under 35, organized by BJCEM. Here the competition notice.
Procida includes

Social inclusion projects that use the languages ​​of art as tools for the expression of the individual placed in relation to the community.

  • Happening of human books: it is an experience of participatory theater, a collective living writing that will bring together the Procidan community, the territory and oral narration. Widespread and itinerant event built with community workshops.

Currently running until September.

Procida renews

Projects that promote the relationship between culture and innovation, fostering moments of confrontation between the national community of innovators and the local community, in a path of strategic rethinking of their cultural heritage.

  • exercises on the future. The singularity of the island condition inspires six meetings with personalities from the scientific and cultural world on the 22nd of each month, giving life to a reflection that crosses the theme of borders from different angles, with the aim of outlining a future in which this word is not more synonymous with barrier. Meetings and reflections on the multiple contradictions of contemporaneity, by Innovation Village.

Until November. For information [email protected].

  • procida hac(k)ulture: a hackaton in which researchers, policy makers, citizens and innovators challenge themselves on three macro-scenarios that are central to Procida: the environment, cultural heritage, mobility.

October 15-16. Free participation, for info [email protected].

Procida learns

Projects that promote the relationship between culture and innovation, fostering moments of confrontation between the national community of innovators and the local community, in a path of strategic rethinking of their cultural heritage.

  • Restart from the futurehundreds of children (between 7 and 12 years old) will be able to participate in the workshops to create six social microarchitectures to be shared with the rest of the community in the agricultural estate of Palazzo d’Avalos.

6 appointments on weekends from May to October.

  • Threads of shadow threads of light: linen connected the prisoners and the women of Procida through its transformation into everyday objects and the exhibition aims to trace their history, memory, tradition and hidden hopes through the exhibition of finished products. Curated by the Chiaiolella-Borgo Marinaro and Minerva associations and in collaboration with the department of architecture and industrial design of the Vanvitelli University and with the Sartoria Palingen srl of the women’s prison in Pozzuoli, the exhibition will remain open until 31 December.

Admission fee, for info and reservations Palazzo D’Avalos Association + 39 333 3510701.

  • Nutrice: local producers and Slow Food create paths and itineraries to connect the production and consumption of food, crossing the famous “parule” of Procida.

5-7 August, 2-4 September, 7-9 October, 4-6 November. Free participation.

  • scores from the sea: the musical tradition of Procida will go beyond its borders and cross the sea, reaching a smaller Italian island and returning home with a stop in the prestigious Archaeological Park of the Phlegraean Fields.

September 10th. Free participation.

  • open science: Scientists, artists and citizens together trigger virtuous collaborative dynamics through care actions, conscious gestures of protection and love for the island, to study and fight the tiger mosquito together. A widespread and participatory artistic action returns, in real time in the public space, the results of the research and the effects of the contribution of the population.

Until September.

  • Ritual project: A sound journey of multimedia installations to discover the island’s most ancient ritual practices. The digitized sounds will give life to original compositions performed in concert form, intertwining art and anthropology.

Until November. For info [email protected].

Procida Camp & Resort is located in a central and convenient position to reach all event locations on foot.

Check availability here.

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